

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:



  ### 案例背景


  ### 租赁服务详情


  ### 实施过程

  1. **现场勘查**:租赁前,我们的技术人员对会议现场进行了细致的勘查,包括场地大小、布局、信号强度等,以确保租赁方案的精准性。

  2. **设备部署**:根据勘查结果,我们精心规划了屏蔽仪的布置位置与数量,确保信号屏蔽的全面性和均匀性。在会议前一天,所有设备均安装调试完毕,并进行了多次测试,确保万无一失。

  3. **专业培训**:我们为会议中心的工作人员提供了专业的设备操作与维护培训,确保他们能够在会议期间熟练操作设备,应对突发情况。

  ### 客户反馈与成效


  ### 成功举办的细节

  - **无缝对接**:从需求沟通到方案制定,再到设备部署与培训,缘通租赁与XX会议中心保持了紧密的沟通与协作,确保了整个租赁过程的顺畅无阻。

  - **灵活应变**:面对会议期间可能出现的突发情况,我们制定了应急预案,并配备了专业的技术支持团队,确保问题能够得到及时解决。

  - **绿色环保**:我们提供的手机屏蔽仪均为低功耗设计,且在租赁结束后进行了妥善回收与处理,体现了我们对环保事业的承诺与贡献。

  ### 结语



  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu: Supporting Efficient Meeting Environment at XX Convention Center**

  In the historic and vibrant city of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, Yuantong Rental has earned the trust and praise of numerous enterprises, institutions, and individuals with its professional equipment rental services. Recently, we successfully provided a short-term rental service of mobile phone signal blockers to XX Convention Center, effectively safeguarding the smooth progress of a conference and winning high praise from the client.

  **Case Background**:

  As an important venue for conferences and events in Zhenjiang, XX Convention Center frequently hosts high-end meetings, seminars, and exhibitions. With the development of technology, smart devices like mobile phones have brought convenience but also posed challenges to the confidentiality and focus of meetings. For an upcoming international academic exchange conference, the convention center required a secure communication environment, ensuring that conference content would not be leaked to unauthorized personnel. In response, XX Convention Center sought professional mobile phone signal blocker rental services to ensure meeting security and efficiency.

  **Rental Service Details**:

  Upon receiving the rental request from XX Convention Center, Yuantong Rental promptly responded, tailoring a rental plan for mobile phone signal blockers based on the conference scale, venue layout, and signal frequency bands. The provided equipment was the latest industry-leading models, featuring high efficiency, stability, and seamless coverage, effectively blocking mobile phone signals including 2G/3G/4G/5G and Wi-Fi in the conference area.

  **Implementation Process**:

  1. **Site Survey**: Prior to the rental, our technicians conducted a detailed survey of the conference site, including venue size, layout, and signal strength, to ensure the accuracy


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